
About me

So... hey!

I'm Beatriz, I'm Portuguese and I'm 22 years old. Yes, still pretty young, but I promise I have something to tell the world - I just hope, somehow, it's productive. I'm a Communications graduate and currently I'm taking a masters degree in Management, which occupies most of my time. But whatever, this isn't LinkedIn.
I started this blog because I believe I have something meaningful to say, and to write about - my trips. I first had this idea because everyone kept asking me advice about traveling, mainly places I've been too. I did this big trip in the summer and suddenly everyone wanted to know more, apart from what I posted in social media. So, why not creating a blog? Here is the right place to write about every tiny detail (which I usually don't have the patience to explain to everyone individually) and be able to share it with people from all corners of the world (indeed, the wonders of the internet).
I'm not any kind of traveling guru, so don't expect expert advice on anything. On the other hand, I'm not either a spoiled kid, so don't expect luxurious trips in five star hotels. In fact, I only started traveling (I mean, for real) in 2012, when I was 17 years old, so I don't have much experience. However, I'm very ambitious and can't stay in the same place for a long time, so yes, you can expect great trips in the future (well, according to my financial status!).
Right now only can I say that I have A LOT to write about, specially about my last biggest trip. I also have many advice and opinions to share with the world. So, if you are interested, stay tuned!

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